Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Who doesn't love a good love story?

Our story starts out in high school. Throughout high school, I dated one of Parker's friends and was friends with a lot of his friends so we ran into each other now and again. At our high school graduation party, Parker challenged me to a skating race. My 8 years of figure skating made this race pretty unfair. I won. Both times. We talked a little bit at the party and Parker, at some point that night, got my number. A week or two later, I invited Parker to go to the drive-in-movies with me and some friends (mostly because he had a truck). We cuddled during the movie and spent the whole rest of the summer hiking and spending lots of time together.

Parker went to Canada on his LDS mission at the end of the summer. I left for USU thinking that was the last of Parker and Carly's adventures. I was surprised when Parker wrote me letters and talked about seeing each other when he got back. I started dating someone when I was up at Utah State and went on a mission after my second semester. When I got back, Parker was home and had every intention on going up to USU together.  He had no idea that my plan was now to go to BYU. We went our separate ways and both started dating other people soon after going back to school. Over the next 5 years, Parker and I would end up seeing each other about every 6 months (Parker claims it's because I would text him every 6 months but I think it was equal texting).

Fast forward to January 2020. Parker noticed I was on a dating app. and sent me a quick message on instagram. I blurted out the whole story of my recent heart break and how upset I was. Parker messaged me a few times a week after that. He would ask if I was ok and always let me know he was there for me. We went out and got sushi once.  A few weeks later, I went to his friends game night. After the game night, Parker dropped the ultimatum. He was done being a friend and ready to date. I said no...oops...and walked away thinking we would never talk again.

The next day, I woke up to a tree swing on my porch. Parker had made it for me two years earlier but had never had the chance to give it to me. I told my friends all about how I walked away from Parker forever. They told me I was an idiot and spent the next week convincing me to give Parker a chance.

Finally, I ate the humble pie and met up with Parker to talk again. I told him I was worried if we dating, it would work out TOO well. (face palm). After that, we spent every day together. Basically every second that I wasn't at school or work, I was with him. This wasn't that hard since it's the exact same time that COVID-19 shut everything down and we were in quarantine. It took a month before we started talking about getting married. I had a ring on my finger before I knew it and am now in full fledge planning mode. I couldn't be happier with the man that gets to be mine forever.

Our love story took 7 years but it was absolutely perfect.

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