I used to think, three shifts a week was nothing. That's 4 days to relax and do whatever I want!!! No No No! It's 2 days of mental, physical, and emotional recovery (and get my chores done), 1 day of feeling guilty so going into work to help the short staff ratios, and FINALLY, 1 day to relax and do whatever I want. The last day usually means I'm in the mountains without cell service.
I'm learned how to say no to those extra shifts and set boundaries for myself. I need days of biking in the mountains with Cooper. That is where I finally get to recharge my batteries. Last week, I was dumb enough to accept an extra part time job. In my head, I was thinking, "Yeah Carly! Every other weekend of working Hospice doesn't sound too bad....You can do that!" The second I got my training schedule I panicked. They filled in every day that I wasn't working with training. 90% of the training was learneing how to chart for outpatient. Did you know, hospice nurses spend about 3 hours at each appointment and 3 hours charting afterword. HOLY HANNAH I DIDN'T! Not to mention that hundred of messages you get on a daily basis updating you on each Hospice patient's needs.
Parker and Dr. Ellis gave me a few pep talks and I finally made the phone call to quit after one week of training. I felt so guilty but there's no way I could work more that 3 days a week. I'm learned how to set boundaries and prioritize my time. Those precious days with just me exploring with Cooper are my life savers.
Nurses work hard. Be nice to us. We are doing our best. We might just work three days a week, but those three days are 13 hours of running around with our hair on fire making sure that each patient (I usually have 5 at a time) are safe, comfortable, and feel heard. That's a lot to put on our shoulders.
Today is my recovery day. I've already gotten the text asking for more hands on deck at work. I'm leaving my phone and home and taking Cooper on an adventure. Learning how to breathe and recharge is so important.
My laundry pile is a mile high, dishes haven't been touched, my vacuum is waiting to be plugged in.....but I'll be in the mountains.
Ready. Set. Recharge!
I feel that! It is so true and especially after just graduating. We are figuring out how to navigate the balance.